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穿越時空的橋梁——Foster + Partners創意車站,連接過去與未來第1張圖片

Renovation of historic station among designs unveiled for California's high-speed rail


由福斯特建筑事務所(Foster + Partners)、奧雅納工程顧問公司(Arup)和Page & Turnbull聯合設計的加州高鐵線首批四個火車站設計方案近日對外公布,該線路將成為美國首個高鐵系統,它將把該州南部的圣地亞哥(San Diego)與北部的薩克拉門托(Sacramento)以及之間的多個城市連接起來。

Designs by studios Foster + Partners, Arup and Page & Turnbull have been unveiled for the first four train stations of the California High-Speed Rail line, slated to be the first high-speed rail system in the US.
Foster + Partners and Arup contributed to the design of four stations for the California High-Speed Rail, which will connect San Diego in the south of the state with Sacramento in the north, as well as a number of cities in between.

穿越時空的橋梁——Foster + Partners創意車站,連接過去與未來第2張圖片
▲ 加州高鐵線首批四個車站的設計已公布
Designs for the first four stations of California's high-speed rail have been unveiled

該項目第一階段將建設從舊金山到洛杉磯的高鐵線,在兩個城市之間將設置默塞德(Merced)、弗雷斯諾(Fresno)、Kings Tulare和貝克斯菲爾德(Bakersfield)?寇囌,初步設計已于去年公布。

據福斯特建筑事務所稱,這四個中央山谷車站將通過“ 建筑語言”相連,這種語言反映了可持續精神,并將以高聳的雨棚作為其設計特色。

As part of Phase 1 of the project, which will run from San Francisco to Los Angeles, the stations will be located in Merced, Fresno, Kings Tulare and Bakersfield, with initial designs announced last year.
According to Foster + Partners, the four Central Valley stations will be linked by an architectural language "that reflects the sustainable ethos of the wider project" and will feature "soaring" canopies.

穿越時空的橋梁——Foster + Partners創意車站,連接過去與未來第3張圖片
▲ 高鐵站由福斯特建筑事務所和奧雅納工程顧問公司聯合設計
They are designed by Foster + Partners and Arup

福斯特建筑事務所工作室負責人Stefan Behling表示:“我們正在為這四個中央山谷車站開發一種‘建筑語言’,包括能引入新鮮空氣并為候車乘客遮擋烈日的高聳雨棚。車站設計反映了更廣泛項目的可持續精神!


"We are developing an architectural language for the four Central Valley stations, including soaring canopies that draw in fresh air and shield waiting passengers from harsh sunlight," said Foster + Partners head of studio Stefan Behling. "The station design reflects the sustainable ethos of the wider project."
Renderings show each station's exteriors and interiors capped by ripped volumes of metallic bronze or matte white, integrated with louvred wood and stone walls, heavy columns, and pergola-style roofs hanging over large entrances.

穿越時空的橋梁——Foster + Partners創意車站,連接過去與未來第4張圖片
▲ 四個中央山谷車站屬于該項目第一階段,該線路將連接洛杉磯和舊金山
They are part of the project's first phase, which will connect Los Angeles to San Francisco

設計團隊在沿線的弗雷斯諾車站(Fresno)設計了一個高架人行橫道,可以連接唐人街和馬里波薩街(Mariposa)附近的弗雷斯諾市中心車站。同時由美國建筑事務所Page & Turnbull對現場的歷史車站進行修復。

弗雷斯諾車站(Fresno)車站建于 1872 年,被列入國家史跡名錄,有石板鐘形的屋脊和圓頂,以及紅磚結構,是一座安妮女王風格的建筑。

The project's Fresno station will include an elevated pedestrian crossing connecting Chinatown and Downtown Fresno Station near Mariposa Street, as well the restoration of the historic depot on site conducted by US architecture studio Page & Turnbull.
Built in 1872 and listed in the National Register of Historic Places, the depot is a Queen Anne-style building with slate bellcast hip-roof and cupolas and a structure of red brick.

穿越時空的橋梁——Foster + Partners創意車站,連接過去與未來第5張圖片
▲ 弗雷斯諾車站的建設將包含Page & Turnbull事務所對一座歷史火車站的修復
The Fresno station will include a restoration of a historic train depot by Page & Turnbull


Page & Turnbull建筑事務所總裁Peter Birkholz表示:“這座歷史悠久的車站在弗雷斯諾市中心和高鐵系統中具有標志性,并且至關重要!

Updates to the station will include bringing the building up to fire, life-safety, structural, seismic and accessibility codes, as well as the restoration of architectural features so that it can serve as an "ultramodern transportation center".
"The historic depot will be an iconic and economically vital part of Downtown Fresno and of the high-speed rail system," said Page & Turnbull president Peter Birkholz.

穿越時空的橋梁——Foster + Partners創意車站,連接過去與未來第6張圖片
▲ 新建設的這些車站的設計特點是都帶有大型的帶肋雨棚和寬闊的公共廣場
The stations' designs feature large, ribbed canopies and wide public plazas


該車站的規劃還包括在第 16 大街建設的戶外廣場。

Located north of Fresno, the Merced station will also include a pedestrian bridge linking the city's downtown, and serve as the main connection to the greater San Francisco Bay Area.
A "flexible outdoor plaza" on 16th Street is also included in the plans.

穿越時空的橋梁——Foster + Partners創意車站,連接過去與未來第7張圖片
▲ 大型雨棚使得光線和空氣進入室內空間
The canopies will allow for light and air filtration

設計團隊表示:“基于默塞德和約塞米蒂山谷(Yosemite Valley)之間的歷史聯系,這座城市擁有發展迅速的高校,在未來將受益于高鐵帶來的多種便利!

Kings Tulare車站的效果圖則展示了一個廣闊的戶外廣場。其設計理念旨在為周圍的公交車、汽車和自行車交通創造一種流暢的體驗,這些服務設施集中設計在軌道正下方的一個矩形區域內。



"Building on the historical link between Merced and Yosemite Valley, this city with a rapidly growing university and college will benefit from high-speed rail connections to the Central Valley and the future connection to the San Francisco Bay Area," said the team.
The Kings Tulare station is pictured with an expansive outdoor plaza and is designed to create "a streamlined experience" for bus, car and bicycle traffic, with its services located in a rectangular volume directly beneath its tracks.
As the southern terminus of the line and the connection to Los Angeles and Anaheim, the Bakersfield station will feature a variety of shaded outdoor plazas, with renderings picturing outdoor amenities beneath elevated tracks.
"The design creates a linear park that runs underneath a new viaduct, directly connecting downtown Bakersfield and the Kern River Corridor with a variety of shaded outdoor public spaces and recreation facilities," said the team.

穿越時空的橋梁——Foster + Partners創意車站,連接過去與未來第8張圖片
▲ 人行天橋將為各個城市創造連接通道
Pedestrian bridges will create passageways through the various cities

據設計團隊稱,項目一旦建成,119 英里長的中央山谷線的行車距離將縮短至三小時以內。

加州高鐵線計劃設立了 24 多個車站,連接超過 800 英里的軌道。項目于 1979 年在州長杰里·布朗(Jerry Brown)的領導下首次提出,此后遭遇了多次資金挫折和爭議,經過幾十年的推動,直至目前的兩階段鐵路建設計劃誕生,該項目于 2008 年獲得了建設資金。

該項目的第一階段是指完成 520 英里長的舊金山至阿納海姆路線的建設,第二階段是指連接薩克拉門托和圣地亞哥的延伸部分的建設。

Once completed the 119-mile Central Valley line will connect San Francisco to Los Angeles in less than three hours, according to the team.
Up to 24 stations are planned for the greater California High-Speed Rail, linking more than 800 miles of track. Funding was granted to the project in 2008 after decades of advocacy.
First proposed in 1979 under Governor Jerry Brown, California's high-speed rail has since suffered a number of funding setbacks and controversies, resulting in the current two-phase construction plan for the rail.
Phase 1 of the project refers to the completion of the 520-mile San Francisco to Anaheim route, while Phase 2 refers to extensions that will connect Sacramento and San Diego.

穿越時空的橋梁——Foster + Partners創意車站,連接過去與未來第9張圖片
▲ 高鐵線的服務預計將于 2030 年開放
Service is expected to start in 2030

據《紐約時報》報道,由于“政治妥協”,該項目的預算已膨脹至約 1000 億美元,完工的“可能性很小”。不過據負責推進該項目的加利福尼亞高速鐵路管理局傳出的最新消息,高架橋的結構和立交橋的建設正在進行中。截至目前的項目進度,中央山谷線的服務預計將于 2030 年開放。

據福斯特建筑事務所稱,他們將在今年7月12日至28日在薩克拉門托(Sacramento)舉辦的加利福尼亞州博覽會期間,讓公眾通過查看 3D 效果圖和同鐵路部門交談等方式更多地了解火車站項目。

According to the New York Times, due to "political compromises", the project's budget has bloated to an estimated $100 billion with "little chance" of completion – although construction on viaduct structures and overcrossing is underway according to updates from the California High-Speed Rail Authority, a body tasked with facilitating the project.
As of now, service of the Central Valley line is expected to start in 2030.
The opportunity to learn more about the rail stations, see 3D renderings and speak with rail authorities will be available to the public during the California State Fair in Sacramento running from 12 to 28 July, according to Foster + Partners.

穿越時空的橋梁——Foster + Partners創意車站,連接過去與未來第10張圖片

穿越時空的橋梁——Foster + Partners創意車站,連接過去與未來第11張圖片


The images are courtesy of Foster + Partners




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