Light deconstruction, extending the horizon of imagination
Peter Eisenman
1932.8.11- present
-- 彼得·艾森曼
"My focus is on the ideas, structures and institutions of architecture, not just its form."
-- Peter Eisenman
在建筑歷史的長河中,“解構”不僅僅是一種藝術表達,更是一種審視、質疑以及重新理解空間、體驗和功能的方式。我們的項目,Ann Andelman巴黎旗艦店,名為“輕解構,延伸想象視界”,是在參照解構主義的啟發之下誕生的作品。
In the long history of architecture, "deconstruction" is not only an artistic expression, but also a way of examining, questioning and re-understanding space, experience and function. Our project,Ann Andelman Paris flagship store, titled "Light Deconstruction, Extending Imagination Horizons", is a work inspired by deconstruction.
Peter Eisenman once said, "I pay attention to the concept, structure and system of architecture, not just its form." This is also what we uphold when designing the "Light Deconstruction, Extending Imagination Horizon" project idea. We challenge traditional definitions, break the usual rules, and explore various possibilities of space from the perspective of concepts and structures. Every swipe of the brush is an innovative practice of new space concepts, and every idea is a positive preset of space.
通過將巴黎的地方文化融入設計中(巴黎是解構主義的發源地)運用解構主義的設計,將Ann Andelman品牌價值和產品特點融入空間中。獨特的結構扭曲和錯位,以及材料的重組和重新定義,將品牌的創新和突破性表達出來。同時,通過視覺和感官的錯覺,創造與品牌的創新形象相呼應的空間。
By integrating the local culture of Paris into the design (Paris is the birthplace of deconstruction) and using deconstructive design, Ann Andelman brand values and product features are integrated into the space. Unique structural twists and dislocations, as well as the reorganization and redefinition of materials, express the brand's innovation and breakthrough. At the same time, through visual and sensory illusions, a space is created that echoes the brand’s innovative image.
Its core concept is not to tear down and rebuild, nor to create disorder, but to find freedom among many rules and pursue the possibility that although it is deviant, it can lead a new trend. We hope to use unique design techniques to reintegrate the conventional fragments and create a brand new space with rich connotations.
In this project, we abandoned the symmetry and regularity of traditional architectural design and chose tilted and non-vertical structures, trying to break the rules and create a frameless space experience with unlimited possibilities. At the same time, we also try our best to pay attention to the user's experience, and pursue the comfort and artistry of the space while ensuring the functionality.
Whether it is a formal challenge or a functional innovation, this is a thorough exploration of spatial possibilities. What we are looking for is the freedom and possibility that comes from deep within. Because "deconstruction" is not destruction, but the birth of an innovation.
Axel Auriant(左)Maxence Danet-Fauvel(右)
Simulation Rendering:
項目名稱:《輕解構,延伸想象視界》法國巴黎Ann Andelman旗艦店設計項目
項目策劃:Nioo effect
公關團隊:Nioo effect
項目地點:7, Rue Saint-Cloude 75003, Paris